How a child’s fantasy works
TIC-TAC… TIC-TAC… the days go by and the first day of the educational farm is approaching. What an emotion! How much magic is there in a child’s imagination? How much strength does his passion contain? How many times have they told us as children, maybe it’s better if you change your mind, no, don’t do this. But you can’t give up on your dream.
You can’t avoid what you always think about, from when you get up to when you fall asleep, even while others are talking to you. Being able to ignite a child’s interest is possible and when this happens it will never stop, it educates him to excite him to inspire him to a higher level. Have you ever thought about being an astronaut by putting a basket on your head? We do, we always do! When a child enters a restaurant, he looks for sugar sachets, toothpicks and wants to drink from goblet glasses. Go in search of fun, different and special items. For me it is wonderful to try to elevate myself to the majestic fantasy of a child to make me accept myself as an equal, admitted in the important circle of people who matter, who shave with foam or who stick the receipts of the fruit scales behind my back of the mother. It is an exciting process! And when a school year starts again and I think of the teachers returning to class, I wish them that the desk is not a barrier but a market stall on which to display all the merchandise to entice children to buy, the walls are not a fence but a container of ideas, the stairs lead not only to classes but to higher levels of values and the chalks draw the horizons of the future. We are faced with those who are thirsty for attention who ask to be listened to and guided in a direction that they do not yet know and sometimes do not yet know they want. Let’s take them by the hand and fly with them.